5th Month Update of Millbrook Memories

Fireworks to Celebrate 5 months since the birth of Millbrook Memories-the Forever Gift to John and Marilyn Kading, my parents and the sharing of my father's lifetime of pictures of Millbrook, New York
Fireworks to Celebrate 5 months since the birth of Millbrook Memories-the Forever Gift to John and Marilyn Kading, my parents and the sharing of my father’s lifetime of pictures of Millbrook, New York

Millbrook Memories.Com is 5 Months Old

Well, today marks the 5th month since I bought the domain name www.MillbrookMemories.com  to share my father, John Kading’s, pictures and slides of Millbrook, New York to the world!

When I bought the domain on October 10, 2017, I really had no idea if I could continue to keep up with all that there was to learn in how to create and build this site, but here I am at its 5th month Birthday!

It has been frustrating at times, as anything that you are trying to learn can be, but I am determined to continue my vision into making this a Forever Gift to my parents!

I am committed to telling the stories behind my father’s lifetime of pictures in Millbrook, New York too!

The memories of Franklin Avenue through the many years of his life and the businesses that have come and go!

The Millbrook Deli and The Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
The Millbrook Deli and The Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York

Some in Millbrook have stayed for years,  while other’s have not, but it’s in our hearts that keep our Millbrook Memories Alive!


Jamo's Ice Cream on Church Street in Millbrook, New York, which is now Cafe Les Baux!
Jamo’s Ice Cream on Church Street in Millbrook, New York, which is now Cafe Les Baux!

Some can remember Jamo’s and had their favourite on their menu, while other’s had another restaurant that they loved something on their menu!

Daniele’s Cheesecake Recipe

Well, I got a message from someone that saw my post about the restaurants in Millbrook about a month ago, and he wondered if anyone knew the secret recipe in Jimmy Daniele’s Cheesecake?

He also went on to tell me that his father’s birthday was March 17th on St. Patrick’s Day and Jimmy Daniele always gave him his green cheesecake!

Does anyone remember Daniele’s Resturant on Franklin Avenue?

What do you remember about it and do you remember this cheesecake too?

All I can remember about Daniele’s was that it had so many courses and was expensive to eat there.

I remember many people would stop at The Corner News Store before they would dine there, too.

It was a classy place to eat and I would have been really impressed with my date if he had chosen this place for our dinner date for sure!

Now it is Millbrook Cafe!

And an old picture of Franklin Avenue looking to the east!

Looking to the East up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
Looking to the East up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York






Grand Union was there before Stewart’s was too!

Maggiacomo’s liquor store was there before it  Chinese Restaurant!

Charlotte’s Dress Shop was after The Grand Union.

Millbrook Supply was where the Millbrook Antique Store is now!

Velletri’s was there where it still is too!

Dad’s Still Organizing His Pictures

John Kading organizing his lifetime of pictures of Millbrook, New York
John Kading organizing his lifetime of pictures of Millbrook, New York

As my dad continues to organize his collection in the months to come I will be adding them to the posts once they have been scanned and their stories about them too!

Please be patient.

So please check back to see the updates as they come, too.

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The Millbrook Town House on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
The Millbrook Town House on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York

The Millbrook Town House

Who remembers The Millbrook Town House?

I loved their Roast Beef Sandwiches!

I was never a drinker, and still not one, but do remember their bar.


Anyone else wants to share their memories of The MillbrookTown House and what you remember?

Millbrook Bar and Grill Memories and Carol’s Hair Salon and Tanning

Millbrook Bar and Grill Memories and Carol's Hair Salon and Tanning on Front Street in Millbrook, New York
Millbrook Bar and Grill Memories and Carol’s Hair Salon and Tanning on Front Street in Millbrook, New York

Millbrook Men’s Shop or this one

Velletri & Raia or later on The Millbrook Men's Shop on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
Velletri & Raia or later on The Millbrook Men’s Shop on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York





Murphy’s 5 and 10

IGA on Franklin Avenue now Millbrook  Pharmacy!

These are just some of the pictures that I waiting for my dad to get together so I can do my part to scan them!

Then I have found a way to have him record the stories to those pictures with the Flip-Pal ! Amazing!

It’s all coming together, like a jigsaw puzzle, you may have bought at The Corner News Store at some time too!

Each piece has to be found as I go through step by step in the Training to

create a great and forever lasting-Forever Gift– on this website too!

I so appreciate all the wonderful comments and support from all that knows what I am up to in creating this website called Millbrook Memories too!

Please leave in the comments and would love to hear about them or any memories you may have of Millbrook!

And please sign up for the Millbrook Memories Newsletter too!

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Thank You from Millbrook Memories
Thank You from Millbrook Memories

Restaurants Millbrook, NY-Great Choices for All!


Welcome to Millbrook Memories Resturant List in Millbrook, New York
Welcome to Millbrook Memories Resturant List in Millbrook, New York

As I continue to think of posts for this site Millbrook Memories, I thought of my life in how many restaurants have come and gone throughout the years and how many I may have pictures of in my father’s collection!

So I decided to go on a search in the images I have already scanned and share them with all of you!

However, first I had to do some research to see who is still actively doing business now in Millbrook, New York!

So here is the list I was able to create of the Restaurants in Millbrook, NY that may be of interest to you, especially with Valentine’s Day next week!

As many reading, this may remember how The Google of Millbrook was The Corner News Store and it would always endorse local businesses, and I would like to use this site to do the same!

Enjoy Valentine’s Day by supporting these local restaurant’s in Millbrook, NY.

Millbrook, New York Restaurant List

Cafe Les Braux

Cafe Les Baux

Cafe Les Baux on Church Street in Millbrook, New York
The old Jamo’s Ice Cream on Church Street in Millbrook, New York From John Kading’s Picture Collection

Millbrook Cafe

Millbrook Cafe

Looking East up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
Looking East up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York! When the Grand Union was where Stewarts Ice Cream is now!


Babette’s Kitchen

Where Babetts Kitchen is now on Franklin Avenue!
Where Babetts Kitchen is now on Franklin Avenue!

Babette’s Kitchen

Slammin Salmon on Franklin Avenue where Babette's Kitchen is today!
Slammin Salmon on Franklin Avenue where Babette’s Kitchen is today!

Trattoria San Giorgio, Inc

(Which I am sorry to say that has closed as of March 25, 2018!)

The Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York.
The Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York.

The Farmer’s Wife

The Farmer’s Wife

Farmer's Wife in Millbrook, New York
The Mabbettsville Market in Millbrook, New York back in the days of ole!

The China Chinese Restaurant- (845) 677-6502

The China Chinese Restaurant on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
The China Chinese Restaurant on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York


Looking east up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
Looking east up Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York











Slammin’ Salmon

Slammin' Salmon of Millbrook, New York
Renovating where Slammin Salmon is now in Millbrook, New York







Slammin’ Salmon (Reopening on Valentine’s Day!)

Millbrook Video in Millbrook, New York to what is now Slammin Salmon!
Millbrook Video in Millbrook, New York to what is now Slammin Salmon!

Nooch’s Pub & Grill

On Church Street in Millbrook, New York where it is Nooch's Pub and Grill now
On Church Street in Millbrook, New York where it is Nooch’s Pub and Grill now

Nooch’s Pub and Grill

The following I am still searching through the thousands in my father’s collection!

Updates to follow!

Please support them!


Have a love filled Valentine’s Day!

Enjoy Millbrook Memories!


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It Worked! A Millbrook Memories First

Hello Fellow Millbrook Memories Lovers!

Welcome To My First Millbrook Memories Review

I am so excited to share this review of an E-book that I discovered that actually is working!



box of unorganized pictures
Does this look familiar to you?
Then I have something that may help you finally get this out of the boxes and out of the closets to share with all!

The Name Says It All!

This is the Title!

“Save Your Photos and Your Sanity:  to Organize and Safeguard Your Entire Photo Collection…in as little as 10 days, without losing your mind!”

Now, how’s that for a title to get your attention?

I hope I have yours now!

If you have taken a stroll through Millbrook Memories, you will see that I am on a quest to accomplish getting my fathers-John Kading’s- lifetime of photos and slides into an organized system so in that I will be able to share them with their stories on this website!

I am on a quest to bring JOY to all those that these images will give to many people around the world!

I mean, after all, Millbrook had the Bennett College for years that had students from around the world!

Sharing Millbrook, New York around the world with John Kading's pictures!
Sharing Millbrook, New York around the world with John Kading’s images!

We also had Millbrook School too!

And so many that have their Millbrook Memori

Dad’s Workplace for Organizing his Pictures

Here’s a sneak peek of a corner in my father’s living room that we have created into the workspace to get this major project completed in the months to come! Those boxes are all filled with pictures!


What makes me excited is that the suggestions in this Ebook were what I had set up for my dad to organize his lifetime of pictures, and it is working!

Yeah! Doing the Happy Dance!

So the possibilities of this Ebook in helping you or anybody that has been feeling guilty of not organizing their family photos, I can now say it is so very possible to get it done with this information!

You now have a way!

And I want to help all of you too, so you can also do the Happy Dance!

Storage of Your Photos could be Destroying them right now!

The suggestions of the proper way to store your photos is also a very important factor to consider when you are ready to organize your photo albums too!

Did you know that you are destroying your beloved pictures if you have them in one of those magnetic albums?

Yep! I know but The Corner News Store, as well as so many other stores, sold them for displaying pictures!

This book will tell you how and why you need to rescue them immediately from being destroyed in those magnetic albums!

My Plan, Your Plan

What I loved about the planning to organize your photos is that we are all so different to what may work for us, and that is so important to have a successful outcome too in accomplishing this task!

Just for those that are overwhelmed with the idea to begin this task of organizing your photos, I have to honestly say that you are not alone because that is the #1 reason why people avoid it!

But I want to share with you a poem that was included in this Ebook called:

“Save Your Photos and Your Sanity: How to Organize and Safeguard Your Entire Photo Collection…in as little as 10 days, without losing your mind!”

Strangers in a Box

By: Pam Harazim, East Hampton, CT

Strangers in a Box Do you want to be one of them?
Do you want any of your loved ones to become Strangers In a Box? I can help!

Come, look with me inside this drawer,

In this box I’ve often seen,

At the pictures, black and white,

Faces proud, still, and serene.

I wish I knew the people,

These strangers in the box,

Their names and all their memories,

Are lost among my socks.

I wonder what their lives were like,

How did they spend their days?

What about their special times?

I’ll never know their ways.

If only someone had taken time,

To tell, who, what, where, and when,

These faces of my heritage,

Would come to life again.

Could this become the fate,

Of the pictures we take today?

The faces and the memories,

Someday to be passed away?

Take time to save your stories,

Seize the opportunity when it knocks,

Or someday you and yours,

Could be strangers in the box!


Now, I don’t know how you took this poem, but I can tell you that I honestly don’t want anyone to become a stranger in a box, do you?

Please don't allow your family to become a Stranger in a Box
Please don’t let your family or yourself become A Stranger in a Box!

And this is exactly what motivates me to continue this project of what I have referred to as A Forever Gift!

It would break my heart to not be able to finish this project of sharing my father’s pictures and have him be able to tell the stories that go along with them.

So if this is touching your heart, and it would break your heart to not take care of your family’s beloved pictures, then please just take the first step to order right now:

“Save Your Photos and Your Sanity: How to Organize and Safeguard Your Entire Photo Collection…in as little as 10 days, without losing your mind!”

You’ll be glad you took the first step too! And your family will thank you too!

Taking the first step for organizing your photos will surely begin to bring about a sense of accomplishment, too!

(I thought I’d take advantage right now of one of my adult colouring pages with that word Accomplishment!)

Accomplishment of organizing your photos
Accomplishment! Organize your photos!

That word is fitting for me considering I want so much to accomplish this project as a Forever Gift to honour my parents and to share my father’s images of Millbrook, New York and so much more!

After the pictures are organized!

They will need to be scanned into the digital format to share on this website, and this Epson FastFoto is on my WishList to do that task!

Then after the pictures are done, we will be moving on to my father’s slide collection!

After months of research, I have finally come to this Flatbed Scanner by Epson as the one, to scan the slides and to get that job done!

It will scan 4 slides at a time and automatically edit and correct as it is performing the scanning, too!

Great time saver in the Editing process too!

One Life to Live with only One Chance to Save our Memories

Because we only get one life to live!

And it’s up to us to save those images that have captured our lives by the pictures we had taken of it!

You need a Hero to help you save those precious images and prevent any of them to be destroyed!

My hope is to inspire you to desire to share your life’s photos, once they have been organized and brought about an awakening of sorts inside of you!

My hope is to bring that cherished photo’s out of the boxes in that dark closet, out to have you and your family and friends get a chance to admire them before they become Strangers in A Box!

Here’s the link to SAVE YOUR Pictures!

Click Below!

“Save Your Photos and Your Sanity: How to Organize and Safeguard Your Entire Photo Collection…in as little as 10 days, without losing your mind!”

Now it’s your time to become your family’s Hero and preserve your family’s precious pictures for future generations to come!

love of Family
Love of Family


Please join Millbrook Memories Newsletter for all the updates!

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Thank you for Joining the Millbrook Memories Newsletter!








Saturday morning After Dad’s Open Heart Surgery


January 29, 2011

Saturday morning.

John Kading healing after Heart Surgery
John Kading Healing after Heart Surgery

Dad is doing very good!


On his board has the dismissal date as January 30 Sunday, which is tomorrow, for him to go to rehab.

He’s chosen the Lutheran Home or the Tompkins house for his after heart surgery rehab.

(Note in the end it became The Pines he would do his rehab at!)

At this rate, he’ll be all set at home by the time we leave for Vail, Colorado on February 12th.

Ashley is coming this year to ski with her dad, and am grateful that they have this bond between them with their love of this sport of skiing!

Recovery with Visitors Always Speeds Healing

Back to my Dad’s recovery from his open-heart operation on Tuesday.

He had my Uncle Henry and Aunt Ann come for a visit yesterday afternoon, which it is always nice to be in their company.

I’m so glad I have held so many great memories with both of them, and their two grandchildren, Emily and Hank, Jeff and Marcie’s children, on the Alaskan cruise.

Kading's Family Alaskan Cruise in August 2009
Kading’s Family Alaskan Cruise in August 2009

We had done a family Alaskan Cruise back in August 2009.

What a great time we all had!

(But that’s another post I will certainly cover at another time!)

Dad’s in Pain

However, later in the afternoon, my dad had appeared he was in some kind of pain.

So I called and his nurse, Anne to check on him.

She found that his catheter hadn’t been hooked up properly, so she fixed that and then sat him up straight, instead of reclining, which seemed to help a bit.

But then it came more and more obvious something else was going on.

So the nurse called a PA to come to check it out.

He came in, ordered the medication, which just so happened to be the same medicine which mom and I have taken many times when we have had a urinary tract infection.

So I make a little joke and say to my dad,” Well, now you will know what mom and I have had to feel like when we have that infection!”

However, if this is the only thing that my dad gets from the surgery.

I am so very thankful.

Time to take care of ME

I’m going to get a massage today, too!

Got to take care of myself!

Believe me, especially after this stressful week with my dad’s open-heart surgery on Tuesday.

I’m looking forward to laying on that massage table and having the talented massage therapist bring a bliss to my body, mind and spirit!

Then after my massage with her, I will exchange a Reiki treatment on her!

And so it is…

For further Millbrook Memories Updates

Please join to receive the Millbrook Memories Newsletter coming soon into your inbox!

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John Kading’s Heart Surgery Update

John Kading of Millbrook, New York with his Great Granddaughter, Jasmyn
John Kading of Millbrook, New York with his Great Granddaughter, Jasmyn

January 27, 2011,

My dad is doing really well after his open-heart surgery on Tuesday.

Mom and I got to see him about 11 o’clock yesterday morning.

He was sitting in the recliner chair next to his bed with those yellow socks on that had those little white dots of grippers all over the bottom!

He had tubes connected to him that came from all over the place.

Mom counted something like 10 bags hanging above him that went into a spot on his neck.

He also had a couple of tubes that were emptying what was at the surgery site into two boxes on the floor.

His eyelids looked upon me like he was very tired and needed to go to sleep.

But as the day went on, it wasn’t as noticeable to me anymore.

All in all, he looks very good for what he had gone through just the day before.

I’m so grateful for this outcome of this serious operation to fix his heart problems!

We all are in a deep sense of relief that this surgery is over and had been successful, too!

You can instantly see the difference in the color of his face, that has now a pinkish color to it, that it didn’t have before the operation, either!

Amazing in how when the heart is beating properly and getting the much-needed oxygen throughout your body that it instantly shows up in your face by the color it is, too!

So grateful for all the prayers and well wishes that so many have been sending to my father too!

To keep updated on what’s happening with www.MillbrookMemories.com please join to receive the Millbrook Memories Newsletter!

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Thank You!



Millbrook Memories.com Help!

Mother and Daughter- Marilyn Kading and Diane Kading Schoessow creator of Millbrook Memories
Mother and Daughter- Marilyn Kading and Diane Kading Schoessow creator of Millbrook Memories

Hello to all the Millbrook Lovers,

I wanted to write this post because I felt it was time, and I needed to stop to ASK something of all of you reading this now.

First, I want to tell all of you in how much I appreciate all that have encouraged me to create this site to honour my parents, John and Marilyn Kading.

I am so touched by of all the comments that have been posted on the Millbrook Memories FaceBook page and want everyone to know whenever I visit my dad, I read them all out loud to him!

There are still some names he remembers, too!

John and Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York
John and Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York

Thankful for that!

It touches me so deeply in what words so many people have written in their memories of him, or my mother or The Corner News Store, too.

I am so grateful.

But I need your HELP

I need your help to comment, either on the website or the Facebook page to ideas in what you would love to see my post that will make your heart jump for joy in the memories they will bring up to your mind?

Ideas such as these:

  • The Corner News Store through the years
  • Bennett College
  • The Millbrook Central Schools-Elm Drive, The Middle School, The High School (Old and New)
  • The businesses throughout the Village of Millbrook
  • The Restaurants of Millbrook
  • The Churches-St. Joseph, Grace Church, Lyall Memorial Federated Church
  • Thorndale
  • Tribute Gardens
  • Millbrook Library

    Thorne Building in Millbrook, New York
    Thorne Building in Millbrook, New York
  • Thorne Building
  • Parades-Memorial Day, July 4th, etc.
  • Millbrook Community Day

Blocks of LOVE! Love MIllbrook Memories sharing John Kading's pictures of Millbrook, New York
Blocks of LOVE! Love Millbrook Memories sharing John Kading’s Pictures of Millbrook, New York

These are just a few of the picture ideas I know that my dad has in his collection, but would appreciate your feedback in what would you want me to first focus on to bring the joy of his pictures into your hearts?

Millbrook Memories Store

My father’s famous saying I have heard him say over and over again throughout my life is this:

“Find a need and fulfil it!”

So with that, I need your suggestions to what may be your needs that I can fulfil here on this website called Millbrook Memories?

My intentions when I began this site was to share my father’s lifetime of pictures of his beloved Millbrook!

And as I continued my research I discovered many Print On Demand companies that will take your photo or image and print it on products:

  • T-Shirts
  • Mugs
  • Calendars
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • and the list goes on and on just depends on the company.

Then I found a company that would take your images and make an adult colouring book from it!

(I have caught that Adult Coloring Wave, and plan to never get off it either!)

Then, of course, there are the Photo Books that many images in my father’s collection would make a SPECIAL gift for someone!

Organize the Memories

Another category that I am finding in actually performing this project of sorting and organizing my father’s lifetime of pictures as well as his slides, is the “HOW TO” Do it in the correct way so in that they can be found easily again?

Honestly, I have to confess that I have been researching this for years.

I guess I knew that this day would eventually come where I would need to use it!

And this is the time when I need to get this done!

Are you too feeling this sudden urge to get this done in your life?

Are there others like me that have suddenly awakened to the fact that time is running out to get this done?

Are you suddenly aware that time may not be on your side concerning’s your family member’s memory as they age?

Are you suddenly realizing that their memory and the stories behind the pictures may be coming to an end soon, too?

Maybe, you are like me that just has to get this project done and complete before there is no more time to ASK?

Do you have someone, maybe a parent or family member that had taken all those precious pictures of your family, and even the extended family and friends for years, to have them either being forgotten in photo albums or in shoe boxes?

Do you say that someday you should get them all organized and scanned for your children or your grandchildren?

Well, maybe you should start today, and let’s do this together, shall we?

I’ll share some ideas that have been working for me and you share what may be working for you too!

Amazon Has it All!

While learning MY HOW in how to create and build this website www.MillbrookMemories.com, I learned in how I could help my readers find the perfect products for what they needed and wanted to satisfy their deepest wishes!

So I joined the Amazon Associate program to have those most helpful and necessary products that went together along with what I am doing to organize my father’s lifetime of pictures and slides!

I wanted to show you what I used all along this exciting and yet “urgent” journey to successfully get this done and complete!

Here are some items that may be of interest to you too!

I am sure as I continue on this adventure that I will discover many more helpful products to help you too.

The Flip-Pal mobile Scanner To Record the Stories to the Pictures

I just recently found a product that I am very excited about and it is called The Flip-Pal!

It will scan the pictures onto an SD card or even through the wireless technology to your computer, tablet or phone!

But what gets me so excited is that once the pictures are on your computer you can have someone tell those stories that go with all those pictures too!


Honestly, I can’t tell you how many times I lay there in my bed wondering in how I was going to get my dad to tell the stories to his thousands of pictures in a way that would work!

But finally, my prayers have been answered!

There’s The Flip-Pal!

Check it out!

Your family will thank you!

I just ordered mine, and will keep you all updated in how it works as I continue this “Forever Gift” I am creating to honour my parents and share the joy my father’s images give to so many people!

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is Coming Up!

Hand's of Time
Hand’s of Time

With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming up, and you never know when those Hands of Time will be up for your loved one!

Check out The Flip-Pal!

Great Gift!

Save your family’s memories before you can’t!

I would appreciate any suggestions that would be of help to me in this quest to successfully complete the sharing of my father’s lifetime of pictures of the beloved Village of Millbrook!

Thank you!

Enjoy the Millbrook Memories!

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January 25, 2011 Open Heart Surgery


Going through my past journal writings to see what may be of interest to Millbrook Memories, and came across this one and my reflections of my dad having open-heart surgery and all the emotions that it had brought into my family’s life.

However, when you read it you will see this word called Reiki that I do on my father.

So for those that may not be familiar with it, it is a spiritual healing art that helps in balancing our energy bodies, which we have 4 of them, spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical, so in that healing can be achieved.

Some may know this, while other’s may not, that I began my Reiki Journey back in March 2006 and continued through the completion of becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher in October of that year, too!

I have taught many students throughout the years, and will continue to do so whenever there is a student or students that have a desire to learn it, too!

Love sharing my Reiki!

But for the most part, I have used it for myself and the calming of my anxiety that it’s spiritual comfort has given me throughout these past 11 years!

So when my dad had this very intense open-heart surgery it was such a blessing to me to have it to use on myself, on my mother and of course on the patient himself, my father!

And as I post the updates on his surgery you will see that word quite a bit I must tell you too!

At times like this when dad was going through this open-heart surgery and the months of rehab after, it was a blessing to have my reiki and all the support of the many friends and family members that came to visit him during that time, too!

I will be continuing on with this very important event in our family’s life tomorrow, too!

Blessings to all!


John Kading Open Heart Surgery January 2011
John Kading Open Heart Surgery January 2011

January 25, 2011

It’s a bit after one in the afternoon and I am sitting in the cardiothoracic waiting room at Vassar Brothers Hospital in Poughkeepsie, New York.

My dad went into surgery about 9 am this morning and they’ve told us that it’ll be around seven tonight until he may be done.

I am thinking it’ll be around four or five, but we will see.

I did reiki on him yesterday afternoon while he lay down on his bed and did as much as I could this morning before he left to go to the operating room.

I am feeling that everything will be fine.

I have asked my guides to watch over him and to let him know that he is not alone and that the Reiki energy is within him and ready to be enhanced if need be.

And so it is…

Heart Resources to check out!



Heart Stress Balls

Blood Pressure Monitor

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Snapshots of Millbrook, New York by John Kading

John Kading slides of Millbrook, New York
John Kading sharing his slides of Millbrook, New York.

I wrote this on January 19, 2006!

I first want to say, I am so sorry to have waited so long!

But here we are 12 years later and I am finally able to share my father’s images with the world by creating this website www.MillbrookMemories.com!

Here’s how I was able to do it!

Please enjoy and share!

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Snapshots by John Kading

By Diane Kading Schoessow

Tonight, January 19, 2006, my father will be doing a slide presentation at Lyall Memorial Federated Church, which is our family’s church.

My father has all his life had a passion for his pictures, and he will tonight be able to share that passion with an audience.

I can remember all through my life vividly the flashing of that flash or the distinct clicking sound of a picture being taken by him.

Now, after all these years, of his dedication in capturing the many images of his life experiences in his hometown in and around the small village of Millbrook, New York, he will be able to share his precious pictures and slide collection.

John Kading of Millbrook, New York with his camera
John Kading of Millbrook, New York always had his camera with him

My father has always throughout his life had a camera with him, or should I say, attached to him.

It was like he had a magical way, to be able to take at a moment notice any event that was worthy to have that everlasting snapshot added to his precious collection.


( Update! Remember this was 12 years ago!)

He is now in the process of organizing those thousands and thousands of pictures throughout his life!

Recently he has somehow become focused and consumed to get this overwhelming project accomplished at this time in his life.

If you really got to know my father, you’d realize that his attention span is very short, so for him to finally crack down in organizing his many images into some kind of order is truly a huge accomplishment!

Does Procrastination get inherited?

I guess that’s where I must get my bad habits from about procrastinating!

Thanks, Dad! It must have been passed down in the gene pool to me in avoiding tasks that just hasn’t caught my attention to complete, yet.

It usually takes something or someone to crack the wipe for me to get certain things done in my life that I really should!

Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York
Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York

Note: with my mother’s passing on November 18, 2016, that was the cracking of the wipe, I believe!

Through the years when I worked at the store with my father and I needed him to help me finish a particular project, that the high pitch sound of the fire siren would always seem to go off, and therefore so would he be rushing off to wherever that call would be, too!

And in addition to that high pitch sound of the fire siren, there would be the call from the Millbrook ambulance squad as well, that would turn him into the Super Man and Hero for many throughout the years he was actively involved.

Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York
Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York

So all it took was a phone call from the Millbrook Ambulance answering service (Remember, there was not a simple calling to 911 back then!) that would call my father and off he would go to rescue someone, which left me to rescue that project and complete on my own!

John Kading, Gets Abducted by Aliens

It never failed to amaze me with how he would get out of doing something by having to do something else.

I had grown up thinking that he had to be the best juggler in the world to do all the things he did in a day’s time.

I would watch him in the morning, to take his daily walk to the Millbrook Diner to have the breakfast of his usual coffee, eggs, sunny-side up and toast, then he’d return to the store to do the bank deposits and another trip down Franklin Avenue to the Bank of Millbrook.

There were many times that I was sure he went to the North Pole or maybe even got abducted by aliens because he took so long to come back from either the Millbrook Diner or from the Bank of Millbrook!

However, he always managed to find his way back again at some time or another during the day.

But Mom, Shirley and I, or whoever has on duty, always seemed to manage his business pretty well, while he was off gallivanting, as my mother had called it many, many times!

He would return and we would say, “John, where were you?”

With his reply always pretty much the same over and over again, “Oh, I just ran into so and so and…” (Yep! that’s my dad!)

It never failed to surprise me in how my father could divert his attention to something or someone else instead of what he was supposed to be doing.

I have to confess to while growing up there were those times when I admit to having passionately despised that fire whistle and those phone calls from that answering service because it meant that my father would have his ‘pass’ to be excused from our project!

Therefore, it meant that I would again have to finish what we had started, and had quite obviously mistakenly thought that we would be able to finish it together!

Which was a mistake on my part to ever have imagined that miracle to happen when he had arranged a never-fail system with God himself in finding ways to be legally excused?

I think he had some kind of magical power to relieve himself of any such projects that he felt me, or someone else could do.


But there was sure one thing he could do really well and that was to “TALK”!

And let me tell you, he managed really well in accomplishing a lot of that, too!

John Kading of Millbrook, New York loved his sheep and all the baby lambs
John Kading of Millbrook, New York loved his sheep!

Nonetheless, in between all the talking, he did manage to get a lot of other things done as we

He was involved in so many organizations as well, from

  • The Millbrook Business Organization,
  • Millbrook Lions Club,
  • Millbrook Rotary Club,
  • VFW,
  • and of course, I can not forget his years of sharing his love of his sheep
  • and being a leader of Southern Shepherd’s 4H Club!

Finally, today I have come to realize that it was over those thousands of cups of coffee at the Millbrook Diner and “talking” with all those thousands of people, that had brought so much joy and happiness to my father’s life!

Millbrook Diner in Millbrook, New York
Millbrook Diner on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York

So today all those thousands of faces and images that had been captured with a snapshot from the camera that belonged to a man by the name of John Kading, my father, will be forever protected and cherished for years to come on this website www.MillbrookMemories.com!

Enjoy the Images of Years Past

I am hoping and praying that all in attendance at tonight’s presentation will enjoy all those images of people and places of long ago of his beloved village of Millbrook, New York.

(Note: The room was full of Millbrook Lovers, and everyone did enjoy the images and the stories connected with them, too!)

I hope that the audience will appreciate his dedication and devotion to have documented all these images throughout the years and all the changes and improvements that have occurred around the Village of Millbrook and Town of Washington, as well!

I hope that my father will be looked upon and respected as an authority on his town’s history in the years to come.

SharIng the Images- Brings JOY

John Kading loved having his coffee at The Millbrook Diner on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York
John Kading loved having his coffee at The Millbrook Diner on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York

Maybe it is to have him share these images throughout the area that will give him that sense of joy and happiness in his life just like it had by talking to all those people over all those cups of coffee at the Millbrook Diner had done throughout the years, as well!

Yes, indeed life’s all about “sharing” with others in our lives, and it is with our choice of “sharing” that we are blessed in our lives, too!

So with that, may I introduce to you, my father, John Kading and his precious gift of these images of the days of yesterday in and around the small village known as Millbrook, New York!

Please share your Millbrook Memories in the comments too!

And Don’t Forget to Join The Millbrook Memories Newsletter to get all the updates that will be coming in the months to come too!

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About Diane


Welcome to Millbrook Memories.com.

Reflections of Millbrook, New York with John Kading

John and Marilyn Kading taken August 1, 2015 at Charlotte's in Millbrook, New York
John and Marilyn Kading on August 1, 2015, that was taken at Charlotte’s in Millbrook, New York

This is a website that is being created from my heart and soul to honour my parents, John and Marilyn Kading.

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My mother passed on November 18, 2016, and it has motivated me to create this website called Millbrook Memories to share with the world!

Marilyn Kading Obituary
Marilyn Kading

Marilyn Kading  1933 – 2016  

Millbrook – Marilyn J. Kading, 83, of Clinton Corners, NY, died Friday evening, November 18, 2016, surrounded by family who loved her. Born Marilyn J. Mull, in Toledo, Ohio on July 30, 1933, she was the daughter of Ralph and Dorothy Mull.

Marilyn married John E. Kading of Millbrook on March 26, 1955, they were married 61 short years. Together Marilyn and John owned and operated the Corner News Store in Millbrook for over 50 years. There at the Corner News, her love for the Village of Millbrook and friends met along the way grew every day for those 50 years. In 1965, John and Marilyn moved to Mabbettsville to the home of her dreams (and the farm of his dreams). Marilyn and John raised their four children on the farm in Mabbettsville. Surrounded by the love of her family and friends she would entertain on her deck and would love to watch the cars and people pass by.

Marilyn and John sold the Corner News Store in 1999 and retired to the farm in Mabbettsville where she enjoyed her grandchildren. In 2006, they sold the farm and moved to a smaller house in Clinton Corners, but her heart and love always stayed in Millbrook. In 1998, she lost her youngest daughter Debbie to cancer but now are united together again in heaven.

Marilyn is survived by her husband of 61 years, John E. Kading, her children Diane (and Gerry) Schoessow, John (and Jennifer) Kading, Donald (and Michelle) Kading, her grandchildren, Jessica (and Peter) Cedeno, David Brownell, Ashley and Kyle Schoessow, Kaylee Kading, Elizabeth (and Dominic) Bucci, John Kading III, Christina Kading, Michael Kading, Stephen Kading, and her great grandchildren, Joshua, Jasmyn, Riley, Nathan, Eden, and her nieces and nephews, Thomas, Judy, James, Pam, Carol, Michael, John and Suzie. Previously deceased and waiting to greet her with open arms in heaven are her parents Ralph and Dorothy Mull, her beloved daughter Debbie, her sisters Alice and Elaine, her brothers James and Howard, and her niece Lou Ann.

A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd, at Lyall Memorial Federated Church, 30 Maple Avenue, Millbrook, NY at 11:00 am, immediately followed by a cemetery service at Nine Partners Cemetery in Millbrook, followed by a memorial tribute back at Lyall Federated Church. In lieu of flowers donations to the Millbrook Historical Society, 35 Merritt Ave, Millbrook, will be accepted.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Allen Funeral Home, Millbrook. For condolences, please visit www.HudsonValleyFuneralHomes.com

Published in the Poughkeepsie Journal from Nov. 21 to Nov. 23, 2016


The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York
The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York during the ownership of John Kading

Please come and browse through the memories of Millbrook, New York and the legacy of John and Marilyn Kading and their very much missed Corner News Store that had been the “heartbeat’ in the Village of Millbrook for 54 years!

Please be my guest as you stroll down memory lane through the many decades of my father’s lifetime of pictures!

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John Kading of Millbrook, New York with his video camera
John Kading of Millbrook, New York with his video camera

Box of Pictures
Box of Pictures









I am, Diane Kading Schoessow, the oldest daughter of John and Marilyn Kading, and the creator of this site Millbrook Memories!

I started working at The Corner News Store when I was around 10.

I would do whatever odd jobs I could do at my age.

I can remember reuniting lost envelopes to their matching greeting cards, to give you an idea of the kind of work I could do at 10!

I worked after school and summer vacations, starting at 25 Cents an hour, and remember how thrilled I was to have worked for 4 hours to be able to buy “Daydream Believer” by  The Monkees one summer, too!

I graduated in 1974 from Millbrook High School and went on to Dutchess Community College to study Retail Business Management, thinking that I would continue the family’s business.

I graduated with an Associate Degree and tried to integrate what I had learned in college at The Corner News, but my boss-my father-had his way of doing business and I would need to accept that!

So with that same entrepreneurial spirit running through my brain- that my dad had passed onto me- I became interested in Network Marketing and joined quite a few of them throughout my life.

Always looking for the Right one to satisfy my itch!

Finding Love

But then I fell in love,  with my Prince!

Which followed with a Beautiful Wedding!

Which then followed in the building our dream home, with the help of many family and friends!

That was followed by our most cherished creation of all with the birth of our two children, our daughter, Ashley and our son, Kyle!

Life was good!

A Normal Life?

Did I have a normal life growing up in Millbrook, New York?

A small village where everyone seemed to know everyone!

But it is also what makes it so Special too!

I grew up in this womb with witnessing this connection that I had a front row centre seat to watching as I worked at The Corner News Store!

It was heartwarming to grow up experiencing this bond!

And I believe we will never ever lose that bond either!

We all have our Millbrook Memories and that’s what I want to share with this site!

Our connection to those cherished Millbrook Memories!

But there’s more to it then the pictures and stories of Millbrook, New York!

With the entrepreneur spirit passed down from my father, I have wanted to have my own online business that I could do during my retirement years.

On my 61st Birthday, June 23, 2017, I joined Wealthy Affiliate 7-day FREE trial, which gave me the way to test it out if it would work for me.

I finished their training in that week and was confident that it was the Real Deal in just what I needed to create this website www.MillbrookMemories.com!

This would be the way I could finally share my father’s lifetime of pictures of Millbrook to the world!

This was the way I could create a “Forever Gift” to my parents and to my family that would last for years!

At last, I had created a HOME for my father’s pictures where anyone around the world could come and browse through the posts and remember their own Millbrook Memories, too!

But Wait’s There’s More

As I continued to research this area of sharing family pictures and their memories, I was overjoyed to see that many are interested in this same thing too!

I am in the baby boom generation and we all are concerned about our parents and older relatives picture and memory collections!

We are a movement going on in the background trying to save our family’s pictures before a disaster may forever take them away from not only us but our future generations too!

 “Just Do It!’ 

It’s time to take action to do what will preserve and protect them for years!

We are the Memory Keepers of the family and we all need to take the role seriously now more than ever before!

Our family history is important and all those pictures in a shoe box in your closet or God forbid your basement, need to be cared for correctly NOW!

Diane Kading Schoessow Profile Picture
Diane Kading Schoessow Profile Picture

Gerry and Diane Schoessow's Family in Portland, Maine in September 2017
Gerry and Diane Schoessow’s with daughter, Ashley and son, Kyle in Portland, Maine in September 2017

Here’s a picture of my family.

My Husband Gerry, my daughter, Ashley and son, Kyle!

The Children of John and Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York Diane, Johnny, Debbie and Donald
The Children of John and Marilyn Kading of Millbrook, New York Diane, Johnny, Debbie and Donald

That’s me on the right, then Donald, Johnny, and Debbie, who passed on June 28, 1998.

We all are a wee bit older, but thought I’d post this to all that remember us looking like this!

 Looking East up Franklin Avenue of Millbrook, New York
Looking East up Franklin Avenue of Millbrook, New York

So this is for all the Millbrook Lovers around the world and my hope is that this site will bring joy into your lives!

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to email me at Diane@MillbrookMemories.com and I will be more than happy to answer them.

And if you don’t want to miss the updates on what’s happening here on Millbrook Memories then please sign up for the future Millbrook Memories Newsletter that I plan on creating real soon!

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Here’s the link to Millbrook Memories Facebook Page

To all the best,

Diane Kading Schoessow
