Welcome to Millbrook Memories


Hello on Mug and cell phone
Hello and Welcome

Welcome to Millbrook Memories.

I am going to start with first a BIG thank you for finding this site and hope you will enjoy the content and the images that will follow through the years.

Enjoy and share.

Bennett College

Bennett College in Millbrook, New York Beautiful
Bennett College in Millbrook, New York when it was Beautiful

Bennett College in Millbrook, NY is a very sad sight for any eyes to see today.

Bennett College 2017
Bennet College 2017

From a thriving school for girls to going co-ed in my lifetime, to see it now is heartbreaking.

Bennett College Band Competition in Millbrook, New York
Bennett College Band Competition in Millbrook, New York

I am quite sure that there are many like me that can still see the images of the various colours of the uniforms of the competitions of the Marching Bands on that once beautiful green lawn, too.

My hope is this image of that will bring a joy to many when they see it too.

Please share this website www.millbrookmemories.com to all that may bring a joy into their lives too!

Here’s the link to sign up for the Millbrook Memories Newsletter:


A Memory of Bennett College

My dad, John Kading, owned the Corner News Store since 1947 and would deliver the Sunday newspaper’s to Bennett College for years, and I can remember being around maybe 7 or 8 going with him many of those Sundays to help him.

I remember in how I was always in awe of the beauty of the architecture that surrounded Bennett College and breaks many hearts in having to witness the neglect over the years since its closure.

Fireworks and American Flag
Fireworks and American Flag

And I always looked forward to the July 4th celebration’s that would bring so much excitement to our small village of Millbrook!

The parade with all the local Fire Companies trying to stay all in step to win that trophy they could bring back to proudly place in their showcase at their firehouse!

And to hear each of the matching bands play their particular song loudly as they marched down Franklin Avenue!

How exciting it was to have always a front row seat and one of the best seats to see the parades on the roof of The Corner News Store or right in the front sitting on the curb!

American Flags
American Flags

It was also a concern if The Corner News Store had ordered enough American flags for all that had wanted to buy them during this big event in our small village of Millbrook, too.

Making sure there were enough red, white and blue party papers for the celebration that many would count on to buy, too.

I have wonderful memories at this time of year, as I am sure many do as well.

We were all so lucky to have had the life growing up in Millbrook and I will always be so grateful for that gift too.

The Corner News Store

What I learned from living in Millbrook is that my parents knew everyone, and many by name and their family’s history too.

And fortunately for me, I had been blessed to have the front row seat to experience my life growing up in Millbrook, as being the firstborn and the daughter of John and Marilyn Kading, and owners of The Corner News Store in the heart of Millbrook, New York.

I learned quickly what that fire siren meant and how I would watch my dad drop everything to go running up the street!

Or when the phone would ring (you know that one we all had with a cord attached to it!), from the Millbrook Ambulance dispatcher that there was an accident or someone in need of its services!

Oh, the life I lived being the daughter of John and Marilyn Kading, and the best job in the whole world, working at The Corner News Store and having my Dad as my boss!

Millbrook Ambulance with Diane and Donald Kading in from of The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York
Millbrook Ambulance with Diane and Donald Kading in from of The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York

I watched in how something could happen to a local family and Millbrook would come together to help.

And I watched in how something wonderful would happen to a local family and it was shared quickly with joy for them too!

The Corner News Store was the place to come to ask anything Millbrook related and sometimes beyond, too.

The Corner News Store during its 52 years was like Google is to the internet too!

Just stop in and ask a question and someone there would know the answer for it!

Marilyn Kading at The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York
Marilyn Kading at The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York

My Mother, Marilyn Kading

As my family come upon the first year of my mother’s passing which was on November 18, 2016, I hope to share with you some memories of her too. After all, my intention is to make this as a Forever Gift

My mother, Marilyn Kading, would be sitting on her stool, but to me, it would become more like her throne, for she became the Queen of all Millbrook news, and all Enquirer news as well.

Marilyn Kading at The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York
Marilyn Kading at The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York

She could be pretty accurate in predicting the sexes of pregnant women too! Many reading this may have even been one of her accurate predictions too! Please comment if you were one of the lucky ones!

And I can’t forget her love for those beloved Lotto numbers, and the thrill she got when one of her daily lottery customers actually won!

I hope many of you reading this one, will smile for that memory of your own winnings and my mother’s excitement for you when you came in to get your monies!

Thank you for all your cards of sympathy

My family would like to thank all that attended her services, that was the day before Thanksgiving last year, too.

As many of you that knew my mother, she never wanted any spotlight and attention,( Dad got that!) so I found it amusing that she got that because of the day before that major holiday of Thanksgiving!

I thank all that brought so much joy to her in her life too! Thank you!

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Please Comment

There are so many Millbrook Memories for all of us to share with each other, and just hope and pray that all that find themselves here on this site will browse through all the images that I will be posting in the future.

And let me be perfectly clear there will be lots of images from my father’s collection, believe me!



5 Replies to “Welcome to Millbrook Memories”

  1. What a wonderful dedication to Millbrook and the people who lived there. Bennett College looked so gorgeous and thriving- it is a shame that it is now closed. What happened to it? It is wonderful that you are preserving the history and I look forward to hearing more about Millbrook and your wonderful memories.

  2. I really like this. What a great place to grow up. I have some old postcards of Millbrook which I would be glad to send you to include in your history. Let me know.

  3. I just met your Dad, at the Stanfordville community day, I lived in Millbrook since 1987, and I used to go to the corner store all the time, for a pen, a birthday card, or a note book, I bought one of his wool blanket one time and I still use it, and I still remembered its provenance, so I was trilled to meet your dad again today, I recognized him, he has not aged a bit, he was not sure who I was, it has been a long, long time.. but we had a beautiful conversation and he gave me his card with your web site. Thank-you for bringing those beautiful memories alive.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Therese Balagna! I am trying my best to bring many of the Millbrook Memories to life to have them preserved for generations to come too. Thanks for subscribing to the Millbrook Memories Newsletter too.

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