Saturday morning After Dad’s Open Heart Surgery


January 29, 2011

Saturday morning.

John Kading healing after Heart Surgery
John Kading Healing after Heart Surgery

Dad is doing very good!


On his board has the dismissal date as January 30 Sunday, which is tomorrow, for him to go to rehab.

He’s chosen the Lutheran Home or the Tompkins house for his after heart surgery rehab.

(Note in the end it became The Pines he would do his rehab at!)

At this rate, he’ll be all set at home by the time we leave for Vail, Colorado on February 12th.

Ashley is coming this year to ski with her dad, and am grateful that they have this bond between them with their love of this sport of skiing!

Recovery with Visitors Always Speeds Healing

Back to my Dad’s recovery from his open-heart operation on Tuesday.

He had my Uncle Henry and Aunt Ann come for a visit yesterday afternoon, which it is always nice to be in their company.

I’m so glad I have held so many great memories with both of them, and their two grandchildren, Emily and Hank, Jeff and Marcie’s children, on the Alaskan cruise.

Kading's Family Alaskan Cruise in August 2009
Kading’s Family Alaskan Cruise in August 2009

We had done a family Alaskan Cruise back in August 2009.

What a great time we all had!

(But that’s another post I will certainly cover at another time!)

Dad’s in Pain

However, later in the afternoon, my dad had appeared he was in some kind of pain.

So I called and his nurse, Anne to check on him.

She found that his catheter hadn’t been hooked up properly, so she fixed that and then sat him up straight, instead of reclining, which seemed to help a bit.

But then it came more and more obvious something else was going on.

So the nurse called a PA to come to check it out.

He came in, ordered the medication, which just so happened to be the same medicine which mom and I have taken many times when we have had a urinary tract infection.

So I make a little joke and say to my dad,” Well, now you will know what mom and I have had to feel like when we have that infection!”

However, if this is the only thing that my dad gets from the surgery.

I am so very thankful.

Time to take care of ME

I’m going to get a massage today, too!

Got to take care of myself!

Believe me, especially after this stressful week with my dad’s open-heart surgery on Tuesday.

I’m looking forward to laying on that massage table and having the talented massage therapist bring a bliss to my body, mind and spirit!

Then after my massage with her, I will exchange a Reiki treatment on her!

And so it is…

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