Day 2 John Kading’s Heart Surgery

(Note-Dad didn’t look like this the day after, but loved the picture with Jasmyn and him! She was around 2 and a half years old in this picture!)

January 26, 2011 (7 year’s ago!)

It’s Wednesday morning around 9:30 AM and the day after my dad’s open-heart surgery.

He is doing fine after the surgery and thankfully it had gone as planned.

They first did a triple bypass, then they replaced his aortic value, too with one from a pig, believe it or not!

Then did something important with the aorta and grafted it so it wouldn’t break or tear. Hey, I am not a nurse!


The caseworker came in at 5:45 PM to tell us that the surgeon had just finished in the operating room a few moments ago and would be in to talk to us soon.

Just a few moments later he came in to tell us what he did, which is pretty much what I already said in the beginning.

An important thing that he told us was that he had placed some kind of zapper thing in there, too. I think it’s similar to a pacemaker that helps to get his heart beating like it should be.

Pacemaker in the Future?

He went on to say that if he ever needs a pacemaker, it will be no biggie to now put it in him.

Another note I want to say is that he talked in the ‘we’ way, when we discussed the reduction aspect of the aorta and the graphing of that ‘something’ in him, which I found so comforting and truly a professional approach.

It seems to me that there was a bit of research done to come up with this way in doing what needed to be done to fix the problem of this ‘something’ in him on his aortic value, too,too.

The doctor told us that this is not as a common procedure than what he had thought he’d do in my dad’s case. But he emphasized that ‘we’ part of the group of professionals that were on the team for this operation.

Thankful to the Professionals

I’m so very thankful for all their knowledge and experience in how to fix my dad’s heart problems.

The professionals at Vassar Brothers Hospital are the greatest!

He also made it quite clear that my dad aortic value, too was by far one of the worst he had seen and whatever the name for it ( I am no nurse, you know!) affects only about 20% of the population.

So what my dad had been actually quite rare.

But today, thanks to this operation.

It’s now perfectly fine, even though I know there’s part of a pig in him now! LOL!

Thank you, whoever you are pig!

That part of you has given my dad hopefully many more years with all of us that love him so very much!

I’m so very grateful this morning to be able to write about the success of the series operation that my father had gone through yesterday.

I’m so very thankful to have a hospital with these highly trained surgeons to be in my neighborhood.

Years back you had to drive to Westchester County Hospital to have this procedure done!

However, today it’s done right in Poughkeepsie, New York!

Thanking my Spirit/Reiki Guides

I thank all for your comfort and felt all of you with me as I sent the Reiki through my hands to the top of my thighs that represented my father’s body during the surgery.

I also thank you for that symbol of the number five that had told me that it would be around that hour of five that we would hear from the doctor.

And it was indeed 5:45 pm when we were notified by the nurse that the surgery was complete and the doctor would be in shortly to update us.

It was 6:25 when he sat with us to tell us of the success of the operation.

I love that today is a new day for my dad!

And now and in the days to come he will need the necessary rehab for his heart, but it will be so rewarding in the end!

I am trusting that all will go well.

And before he knows it- He will be on the golf course in the spring making a hole in one.

And so it is…

January 26, 2018

This is 7 years later!

I am now fully and completly engaged to create this!

This website is to celebrate my father’s lifetime of pictures and the stories that go along with them!

In addition, it is also to honor my mother, and all she had done throughout her life in bringing all of us together, too!

I wish to raise the glass to both my parents for all that they had accomplished in their lifetimes.

My mom had worn so many ‘hats’ through her life, but this one when her and Shirely Evert got into the ‘Red Hats Society’ is one of my all time favorites of my mom!

And boy, did she enjoy her ‘Seniors” on Tuesday, too!

Thank you to all that gave her so much joy in whatever part you had played in her life, too!

As I browse through all my journal writing’s over the last 16 years and how much my life is what it is today because of her.

I will try my best to honor her on this website, but I need a bit of help to have you comment to tell me a story that will give those that read it a laugh out loud or just a memory that you may have of her would be wonderful!

Life is to be lived!

Memories are to be cherished!

I am trying to do both!

Blessings to all!

Enjoy the Millbrook Memories!

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