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John Kading with slide projector at one of his popular slide presentation of the history of Millbrook, New York through his lifetime of pictures and slides.
John Kading Sharing his slides of Millbrook, New York
The Corner News Store on Franklin Avenue in Millbrook, New York in the early years of the ownership of John Kading
The Corner News Store in Millbrook, New York


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This is the link to sign up for Millbrook Memories Newsletter and be the first to not miss any updates on this new heartwarming journey into the past of all our Millbrook Memories!

Grateful for all your sharing and support to creating our bond that we all have in being blessed by the community of Millbrook, New York!

Enjoy the memories!

Diane Kading Schoessow

Diane Kading Schoessow creator of
Diane Kading Schoessow profile picture

Millbrook Memories Social Media Sites


Accomplishment  Coloring page

Millbrook Memories Social Sites

As I continue to grow this website, it’s time to add Millbrook Memories to Social Media!

All websites need Social media and Millbrook Memories is no different!

So please stop by on one of the Social Media Sites I have created to share the JOY of Millbrook Memories!

And please feel free to share the images and the posts I will be posting too!

The village of Millbrook has been the home to so many and so many have come to love it too!

Many have so many happy memories of Millbrook, New York, and that’s what this website and it’s Social Media sites are to share with the world!

Please stop in to say HELLO!

 Millbrook Memories Facebook Page


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Millbrook Memories Newsletter!


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